Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Get Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is possible only with some discipline in your day to day life; so follow these tips to bring some discipline in your weight loss routine. Make it a point to add five servings of fruits and vegetables in your diet as they have fibers, vitamins and antioxidants that fill your stomach and are low in calories. Keep a watch on your portion sizes as though a serving of pasta equals ½ cup cooked pasta, restaurants serve 4 servings of pasta in a pasta dish. Don’t clean off the plate in such conditions; just take home the leftover food. Don’t skip meals as eating frequent meals in a day help in balancing your calorie intake and keeping a balanced blood sugar level. Eat more of wholesome, fresh foods and avoid packed, processed and convenient foods like fast food as they have high sodium and fat content. In fact, you can very well lose weight by eating only home cooked food, and stopping outside food. Reaching out to people to discuss your weight problems proves very beneficial in weight loss. It feels good to know there are others sailing in the same boat; and their moral support provides the push for you to reduce as much weight as possible. Taking before and after photos will provide the inspiration and delight for losing weight. Once you lose weight, you will really despise yourself for being overweight on looking at your before pictures.

Make it a habit to read labels of whatever you eat. It is important that you are aware of what you put in your mouth; so triple check ingredients and the serving sizes so that you can adjust your caloric consumption to reduce weight. It is difficult to lose weight on your own. So inform your family and friends that you intend to lose weight so that they don’t unknowingly sabotage your efforts. There will be some friends out there who can provide you with tips on losing weight too. Make it a point to fit in some physical activity in your day to day life. A long walk of 30 minutes everyday and about two sessions of weight bearing exercises help you burn those unwanted calories. Choose whichever exercise you enjoy doing; if it’s cycling go cycling. If you like playing badminton, get a partner and go ahead. There is no point in doing something you don’t like as you will never stick with that exercise for long.

It is better to exercise while listening to some music as it takes your mind off the physical activity. Instead of concentrating on what you do, and drag the exercise session, you can make exercise time fly by listening to music. Remember to never compare yourself with others as different people have different body frames, body types and metabolic rates. It is because of this that different people lose weight at different rates.Last, but not least, set realistic goals for losing weight. Instead of going on a crash diet and losing a few pounds in a week, only to regain them in a month, it is better to lose weight slowly and steadily. Aim for small goals that lead to a bigger goal; this makes losing weight easier and more practical.
Author Info: is an informative site relating to detoxing, detox kits, detox, weight loss and cleansing products. also has information on how to lose weight using a detox program.
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Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

Friday, June 29, 2007

How To Lose That Pot Belly - Ten ways to have A Flat Stomach WITHOUT Sit-ups!

Weight loss is a mental and physical process. First you must have a strong will to lose weight and look great. So when you've made up your mind to lose weight and melt off all the fats in your body, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. Second is a physical process, you should work out, cardio workout is a great way to lose weight.The thought of losing that pot belly with cardio (treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike and step aerobics etc etc) and sit ups can be daunting or intimidating and we always think that Wouldn’t it be great if somebody could wave a magic wand over my head and make those extra pounds and pot belly disappear and give me six packs abs? But it is not possible. Slimming down takes time and sweat if you do not have the right method, approaches, and encouragement to assist you along.

So is there any magical way that we dont have to do these painfull situps and still we can lose weight and get a flat abs?
Of course with the right directions and an accurate guideline, it is possible to get a flat stomach and look great and here are these ten simple and useful tips and method you can adopt easily and get your desire results.

whether it is a weight loss or a better job, When ever you want to achieve something in life you must think like a winner. Always go at it with a positive set of mind and commitment. Slimming down and losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a entirely fresh you and the possibility of creating afresh life for yourself.

You can lose fifty pounds in a week if you do physical exercise twelve hours a day and consume nothing but celery, it is not realistic and a human cant do it. Always keep in mind that Slow and steady wins the race. Set your small achieveable and realistic goals, do not bite off more than you can chew. . In the end, you’ll have accomplished more.

Walking for weight loss is the easy, Fun, cheap and low impact form of exercise to incorporate into day-to-day life. Walking for weight loss is a easiest weight loss exercise that provides an alternative to increase the calorie deficit required to induce weight loss. It is one of the best methods to slim down.

Always maintain a food dairy of what you had eaten and what you will eat. Eat five small meals a day instead of taking three big meals a day and always start your day with a break fast and stop eating three hours before going to bed.

Did you know that white bread isn’t healthy? Oh, it’s true, just ask any diabetic. Research has shown that people who eat more refined products like white bread are more expected to have belly fat.

Never go to shopping when you are hungry or you will end up buying more fattening food. Best thing is to eat before going for food shopping and always prepare a grocery list. Only buy food which relates to your each week diet program.

Weight yourself once every week and maintain your weight loss record.

Never Skip your meals because eating step-ups your matabolism so skipping meals can slow down your metabolism. Always eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count. Drinking hot water as instead of cold water can step-up the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.

Always try to make dishes like Omelettes using egg white only. it is very low in fat and high in protein.

When you are on your way to achieve any goal you set for your self you always need a moral support and a best moral support can be from the person you already achieve the goal or trying to achieve. thats why find a weight loss buddy or join support group. This will help you stay with your goal.

In the end I must say that you should Lose weight for yourself, not to please your love ones like your parents or your friends etc and Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic.

written by _K_M_ . Read free reports, articles and information on weight loss, fitness and health and the methods i have used to loss 63 lbs of extra weight.
Sign up Free for weight loss program - to achieve great results with a natural, sane, and highly effective approach to permanent weight loss and get $50 gift cards.

Author Info:
_K_M_ a certified internet webmaster, writes free reports and articles about search engine promotion, website designing tutorials, work at home, Self Improvement, weight loss, health and fitness.

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Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

Thursday, June 21, 2007

7 Healthy Tips to Naturally Boost Metabolism

Do you need to boost your metabolism? Are you concerned about the possible side affects of the next miracle weight loss pill? These seven tips to boost your metabolism naturally will help you reach your weight loss goal and help you develop new habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Metabolism is the process in which the human body burns energy through digestion, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature, and detoxification, just to name a few. Calories are the units of heat contained in food that are released from the body through the process of metabolism. Food is then converted into the energy the body needs to perform all its functions.

A slow metabolism can be due to a number of factors. A sedentary lifestyle where the body does not get enough activity to allow the burning of calories will cause the body to conserve its energy. Poor nutrition such as foods high in sugar and fats will trigger an insulin response where the body goes into fat storing mode. Eating large meals once or twice a day will slow metabolism because the body gets accustomed to not getting frequent refueling and has to store food in the form of fat until its next refueling.

These 7 tips will get you started towards a healthier you:

1. Get plenty of sleep – your body needs adequate amounts of sleep to rejuvenate and repair at the cellular level. Mentally, a deep delta rhythm sleep will make you feel well rested and alert.

2. Always eat breakfast – after you have been asleep, your body’s functions have slowed down considerably. You need to jump start your metabolism by giving your body something to work on.

3. Drink plenty of water – water that is chilled will increase metabolism because it will burn more calories in order for the body to regulate its temperature.

4. Eat smaller meals and eat more often – by eating smaller meals, the body has less to work on and can burn those calories more efficiently. By eating more often, you will not cause the body to go into fat storing mode because it is getting regular refueling.

5. Good nutrition – Eat foods higher in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. They have fewer calories and take longer for the body to digest, thus burning more calories. Limit the amount of sugar therefore decreasing an insulin response.

6. Exercise – exercise gets the body moving, the blood flowing, and tones the muscles. Increasing lean muscle will increase metabolism because it takes more energy to grow and repair muscle tissue.

7. Reduce stress – stress releases the neuro-chemical cortisal. Cortisal stimulates the body’s metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. This increases appetite and the pattern of binge eating causing weight gain.

By following these seven tips to naturally boost your metabolism, you will not only reach your weight loss goal, but you will also have gained healthy habits to improve your overall health. You will have improved your immunity response, regulated your blood pressure, reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as increased your HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

Author:Find out how to Maximize Your Metabolism safely and naturally.
Kevin Michaels is the publisher of Nature\'s Wisdom Blog.
Visit his blog at:
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Calorie Counter -Creating a weight loss plan

19th June 2007
Author: Articlewriter4784

If you are thinking of creating a weight loss plan that probably means you would like to lose weight. Great – that’s the first step: deciding that weight loss is important to you. But before you begin, ask yourself a few more questions about a weight loss plan. How much do you want to lose – just a few pounds or many pounds? Why do you want to lose weight – for health reasons, to improve your appearance, or both? Understanding your motivations for weight loss will help you create a plan that’s right for you based on your needs. This is because real weight loss is an element of an overall healthy and long-term way of living: a permanent lifestyle change.

When you look at a weight loss plan based on understanding your own needs and motivations, you can create a plan that’s tailored to your goals. Once you have this understanding, your plan is more likely to be successful. Set realistic goals for weight loss that include healthy and moderate weight loss over a long period of time – don’t aim for too much weight loss too quickly. Effective weight loss involves realistic weight reduction goals lost slowly but consistently. After you have established your needs and goals, start to develop a concrete plan for weight loss. Successful weight loss plans that last over the long-term tend to share two other common characteristics: healthy eating patterns and regular exercise. Assess your eating habits. Do you eat healthy, nutritious foods in the right portion sizes? You can use a calorie counter to lookup nutrition information on foods including foods from restaurants and fast foods places. Calorie counting is an important element of a healthy diet. Learning how many calories you need is an important part of successful weight loss. If figuring out the number of calories seems like a hassle, use a calorie counter. Efficient and portable, calorie counters provide data on thousands of different foods – whether you are at home or on the go. Calorie counters provide accurate nutrition information for the serving size that you choose.

Exercise is an equally important component of a weight loss plan. Exercise burns calories and improves your health. In addition to showing you the number of calories in your foods, calorie counters can show you how many calories you burn during exercise. Possessing this information, you’ll be a step ahead in your weight loss plan.

Do not fall for short-term gimmicks. A happy healthy body is yours if you follow a steady consistent weight loss plan.

Coheso, Inc. ( ) makes handheld devices and other products for diabetes management and weight loss. CalorieSmart is a handheld calorie counter helps people tailor their weight loss plan. More information about CalorieSmart can be found at . Track3 is a small customizable handheld carb and calorie counter that helps individuals self-manage their diabetes. Information about Track3 is at

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How Water Can Help You Lose Weight Naturally

It may be surprising but water makes up 2/3 of your body mass. You need water to maintain an optimum level of hydration, flush away harmful toxins, cleanse the body, cool off, help joints work and to aid food digestion. You need 2 liters of water daily for all these bodily functions.

Wow, isn't that a whole mouthful? But wait, water is also important in helping you lose weight.

Yes, drinking sufficient water can actually help you lose weight. On the contrary, not drinking enough water can make you put on weight, besides putting your health at risk.

But how does water help you lose weight? Here's how and why:-

1. Your body's metabolism depends on water to continue functioning properly. Not having enought water will significantly slow down the process of breaking food down and converting it into energy. This will lead to unnecessary weight gain for you.

So, if you’re dieting and you seem to have hit the dreaded plateau, then you are probably not drinking enough water. Drink more water to correct the situaion.

2. Your body’s process of digestion and elimination of residues is also dependent on water. Not drinking enough water? Get ready for an uncomfortable case of constipation and a host of other problems in the intestines.

Poor digestion leads the body to seek out more food since the body "thinks" that it is not eating enough. This is usually the first sign of trouble for you.. A dehydrated or water-deprived body feels hungry, thus tempting you to eat more food than you should.

3. Water also acts as a good food filler or substitute. A big cup or glass of water before a meal can fill your belly and reduce your hunger pangs. That's why dietitians and weight loss experts advise us to drink lots of water to fill up our tummy first. Now you know why!

You should drink water gradually and steady throughout the day. Never drink a larger gulp all at once because your body can only absorb so much at one time. It will discard the rest as waste so that that's bad for you.

You can also take fruit juices, weak tea and coffee instead of plain water for hydration purposes.

And for the ladies, drinking a lot of water will not make you retain it. Dehydration forces your body to hang on to what it has, not abundance of water.

Gary T is the owner of a weight loss website dedicated to helping overweight and obese people
keep the weight off. For more articles on losing weight and product reviews, please go to :

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7 Effective Exercises To Shed Post Natal Flab

Post natal flab is something that all new mothers are anxious to shed as soon as they give birth and is a challenge for many women. Given that the body goes through many changes and hormonal challenges for nine months, it is no wonder that trying to lose weight after giving birth takes time, determination and patience. Some women never got back their shape and weight of pre-pregnancy days.

Doctors recommend that in the first 6 weeks after delivery, new mothers should focus on getting the necessary rest and bonding with baby. According to doctors, in most cases, a return to pre-pregnancy body composition may take anywhere between nine months to a year.

There are many ways to shed off post natal flab and postpartum exercise is most often a better option than trying to diet. Dieting is not sensible at this time, especially if you are breastfeeding. Your body also needs the necessary nutrients to repair itself.

Your readiness to exercise is a function of pre-pregnancy fitness level and postpartum health status. When you are ready to resume exercise after six weeks, ensure that you use a good support bra for comfort during exercise. It should be a gradual and not a sudden and vigorous routine. Exercise should not cause any associated pain or any bleeding.

If you have adequate postpartum exercises as suggested below, it should aid a speedier return to your pre-pregnancy figure, increase your energy level to cope with demands of newborn baby.

1. Pelvic Floor Exercise
Tighten your anus as thouigh you are trying to prevent yourself from passing urine. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times. Never do this while passing urine).

2. Pelvic Tilts
Kneel on all fours with a flat back, and your hands and knees planted on the ground. Curl your back towards the ceiling without shifting your body or moving your arms or legs. You will feel your pelvis being pulled towards you and your back arched back.

3. Torso Stretch
Stand with your feet hipwidth apart and holding your hands together. Straighten arms above you such that you feel a gentle pull at the inner side of your arms. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for 5 times.

4. Chest Stretch
Stand with feet hipwidth apart holding your hands together. Straighten arms behind you such that you feel a gentle stretch at the front of your chest. Hold for 15 seconds - repeat 5 times

5. Triceps Stretch
Bend your left elbow behind your head and use the right hand to gently pull the left elbow in further until you feel a stretch in the back of your arm. Switch sides and repeat.

6. Back Stretch
Clasp your hands together in front of you and round your back towards the floor, pressing your arms away from body to feel a stretch in your upper back.

7. Shoulder Stretch
Bring your left arm across the front of your body. Use your right forearm to pull the left elbow towards your ody, keeping the left arm extended. Switch sides and repeat.

For women with C-section delivery, you are encouraged to walk as soon as possible to increase healing, circulation and minimise muscle wasting. When they are ready, they can also participate in the same exercise program as above.

About the author:
Nora M is an advertising veteran and now runs her own net business. She owns a site on weight loss, with the aim to give useful tips on how to lose weight quickly and effectively. Get more tips and resources here:

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ways To Loss Weight

Everyone wants to be in a good shape. Good shape is pretty, good shape is healthy.Because of this, I have been inspired to compile some of the information - specifically regarding weight loss.

Green tea
Green tea has been known for centuries to help speed up weight loss. Green tea becomes an active ingredient in many weight loss products. Green tea can also help you reach weight-loss goals. Green tea, besides, a typical beverage around the world, provides numerous health benefits as well as its weight loss properties. When health benefit varieties of green tea are listed, weight loss is not usually first on the list.

Exercise program
Always consult a qualified physician when embarking on a weight loss diet or exercise program. In order to lose weight successfully, without regain, you must combine weight loss medications with a sensible diet and exercise program. When beginning an exercise program, muscle mass increases may out pace fat losses, resulting in a small initial weight gain.

Physical activity
To keep weight loss off, get at least 60 to 90 minutes of daily moderate-intensity physical activity while not exceeding caloric intake requirements. The key to successful weight loss and improved health is making physical activity and healthy eating part of your daily routine. Balancing the calories you use through physical activity and proper diet will help you achieve weight loss. Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining weight loss. Regular physical activity is an important part of effective weight loss and weight maintenance.

Lifestyle changes
Also focusing on easy weight loss exercises, effective products, and simple lifestyle changes for healthy living. Incorporating long-term lifestyle changes will increase the chance of successful long-term weight loss.
If you are interested in a weight-loss program, it should encourage healthy behaviors that help you lose weight that you can maintain over time. Before you start a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor.

Healthy diet
A doctor's appointment should be made regarding all medically related weightloss. Using weight loss drugs is not a substitute for a healthy diet. Combine healthy diet with regular exercises to get maximum weight loss results.

Product causes
The product causes substantial weight loss by wearing it on the body or rubbing it into the skin. The product causes weight loss of two pounds or more a week for a month, or more without dieting or exercise. The product causes substantial weight loss for all users.

Bariatric surgery
Our bariatric surgery program was developed in 1991 to responsibly evaluate patients for weight loss surgery. This option, known as bariatric surgery, can result in dramatic weight loss. You will also find information on weight loss surgey options such as bariatric surgery.

Gastric bypass
This is why gastric bypass surgery tends to produce greater weight loss than other bariatric operations. Substantial weight loss after gastric bypass surgery is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The most common surgical procedures for weight loss have been jejunoileal bypass (intestinal bypass), gastric bypass, and horizontal or vertical gastroplasty (stomach stapling).